The Presencing Journey

The Presencing Journey: A 12 Week Workshop

The Presencing Journey is a twelve-week transformational journey designed to help us connect more deeply with ourselves and the world. Many who have completed this program have experienced profound shifts in their life’s journey.

We’re supporting a cohort of individuals in this workshop to provide a deeper understanding of the process and create a space where we can be seen and heard. Each week, we will share and reflect on the insights and transformations we witness in ourselves and others.

How it Works:

Everyone in the workshop will receive a PDF of the Presence Process book, which is broken down into 10 distinct insights based on a weekly mantra. These mantras are single sentences that we will focus on during daily breathwork practice.

Each day, we will engage in a personal practice involving 10-15 minutes of breathwork at the beginning and end of the day, focusing on our weekly mantra. For example, “I recognize my projections and reflections.”

Once a week, the group will meet online to share experiences from the previous week and introduce the insight for the following week. As facilitators, we will offer counsel, guidance, and support during these weekly calls.

Presence Process | Conches

On the 11th week, we will unpack our collective experience and conclude the process. In 2025 we will begin on January 14th. The calls will be 60-90 minutes via Zoom, held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30PM EST. 

Presence Process | Conches

This Might Be for You If:

  • You are seeking deeper self-awareness.
  • You struggle with loneliness.
  • You feel confused about aspects of your mental state and seek clarity on navigating them healthily and holistically.
  • You are looking to make a life shift.
  • You are curious and ready to add new tools and insights to your life.
  • You love breathwork and want to take it to the next level.

For more information, there are plenty of testimonials online. Feel free to research at your leisure—you’ll find that most people have had a net positive experience with this process.

What makes this workshop unique is our weekly integration space, where we practice being in community. Sharing our insights and experiences enriches the process and assists our integration. Being witnessed and witnessing others is a profound experience that helps solidify our journey.

Next Dates Coming Soon; Please Check Back
